Cakes & Treats

Timings : 11am to 10pm

020 8572 7722 07934 100 164

Order Treats Online


Hand-made with love and care, we provide a range of the most exquisite cakes and treats you can get your hands on.

The perfect gift for any occasion

Whether it’s for your loved one or just a friend, send them a box of our delicious cupcakes or macaroons! We’ll make sure they’re delivered to their doorstep wherever they are.

A treat a day keeps the doctor away.

We have everything you need to satisfy your craving – whether it’s a cupcake, ice cream, smoothie, or drink! Visit us today!

Menu coming up soon. Stay tuned!!

special cakes delivery hounslow
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Upload your reference image. Allowed formats are jpg, jpeg, png and pdf. Max allowed size is 20MB.

Note: Delivery is within 10 miles from TW3 1NP and cost is dependent on distance.